Hi,This might be a silly question for all of you . But I'm in confusion that what we have to replicate/publish and what we have deploy/install to publish environment. Normally we will replicate content pages using "Activation Tree". We can also replicate etc/designs. The actual code which is there ...
Hi All,I'm a begginers of AEM6 ... and I need to copy a component inside a page and paste it in another page (parsys).I verified that copy & paste works inside the same page, but it is not possible copy a component and try to paste it in other page.Why there is this kind of limitation?If I would imp...
Good afternoon.Column control is generating vertical rows, instead of columns (See attached image).Assume that the column selector only has 1 column option to choose from. I have two stylesheets included in the application.One for my normal design, and one for the column control. This is what my col...
We are finding a lot of usability issues with the default width of dialog widgets. We have been using:anchor="" width="160"...for various other components including text inputs and color pickers. This does not work for selection dropdown.
Hi,We keep getting replication errors on our Publish instance whenever we tried to replicate content from Author. The socket timeouts is causing replication to move very slowly. Why does this happen? How can we fix this? Has anyone encountered this before?15.10.2014 22:53:40.716 *WARN* [137.57.2...
I am getting below error in error.log (last) when I start the instance, this is clustered as a slave server and it is not coming up .. and takes the home page to some weird link :::$$login$$=%24%24login%24%24 and pose a ...
Good afternoon.Been trying to implement a commerce solution into my project.Using the following package:cq-commerce-content-5.5.4.zipThe outdoor site is now not working, and the /editor.html/ include insidethe URL breaks pages, even in different sites.I havent been able to find any documentation on ...