Hello,I am currently working on AEM 6.0 and require to generate Touch-UI based dialogs for my components.I understand there is also a dialog conversion tool which converts classic UI dialogs into Touc-UI dialogs.https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-0/develop/dev-tools/dialog-conversion.htmlWe have b...
Hi Guys,I know this is a cq5.6.1 parameter, but because of the cq6.1 is used by oak.Does anyone know if this parameter is also suitable on CQ6.1 version?In start script jvm parameter: -Dorg.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.validatehierarchy=trueThanks.Regards.
Hello All,I am trying to listen to events in AEM. When I am deleting the pages or assets from crx/de, the event listener is not triggering but when I delete from siteadmin or damadmin it is triggering. Does this look right ?On the other hand when I try to replicate/ delete replicate from crx/de the ...
Can anyone please help me in populating the ajax response in sightly.My ajax is returning a list of objects...Please share a code sample if possible. Thanks is advance.Anurag Datta
Hi, We are trying to integrate AEM 6.0 with Adobe Analytics for site tracking. We have the below issue.We have applied the site catalyst frame work to a parent page( say /content/en) and tracking is happening on this page( we can see the tracking info in Adobe Debugger as well as in reports in Ado...
Hi,I am trying to purge versions on my AEM6.0+SP3 instance. When I run the tool even an a very small portion of the content tree I get this error from Web Logic. Somehow the process times out or fails and I am not able to purge versions. Second time I tried to run the version purge I have an OutOfMe...