I' making a component that required a rich text field in the dialog. It is working, but the properties maxlength and required do nothing for this field. I have them configured properly but I can add any number of characters and save the dialog with no text in my rich textfield. I did the component t...
Hi,I am using AEM 6.1 and I want to get the DataSourcePool reference. I am using the below dependency:<dependency> <groupId>com.day.commons</groupId> <artifactId>day.commons.datasource.poolservice</artifactId> <version>1.0.10</version> <scope>provided</sco...
A app that I'm working on requires a couple of additional fields be added to a user's profile:./profile/approvers (used to programmatically construct an approver group for use in workflows)./profile/contactReassign, ./profile/authorReassign -- used to change news articles listing the user as the aut...
Hi All,Preview mode doesn't function properly on clicking the preview option, but working fine if we refresh the page. Could anyone help me to resolve this issue ? Is it a known bug ?Thanks in advance!
Hi,For Assets Folder Renaming the only way possible through the author interface is by moving the folder?In the Folder Settings we can change the folder title but not the its name(node name).In the documentation the only way I found was using the move function just to rename the folder.Would this be...
Q1) We could see i18n key-value pairs when we hit the below command in consoleCQ.I18n.getDictionary()Where is this CQ.I18n.getDictionary() is getting invoked in AEM. Q2)On hitting the below url we could see i18n values.Where are those values coming from?http://localhost:4502/libs/cq/i18n/dict.en-US....
Hi,My potentially future project on AEM should have the ability to use the international standard database engines as the content and configuration database , such as DB2, Oracle, Microsoft SQL.I am aware that AEM connects with databases for CRUD operations , but my question is whether AEM could ha...
Since active directory does not have a user id, but uses samaccountname, I am trying to use that for the user.idattribute. that is not working. If I use cn and log in with the full name it works. What am I doing wrong?# Configuration created by Apache Sling JCR InstalleruserPool.maxActive=L"8"search...
Hi,Please let me know, How to integrate Adobe Target Component in my page. I have gone through, Geometrixx Outdoors home page. Image component is displayed as Target Component.Please share any info regarding Adobe Target Component Integration and Though my AEM instance is not having any Target cloud...
I'm reading the section "Offline Compaction" on this page: https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-0/deploy/upgrade/microkernels-in-aem-6-0.htmlIt cautions, "Different versions of the Oak-run tool need to be used depending on the Oak version you use with your AEM installation."How do I determine the O...