Hi All,Is it possible in AEM 6.1 to see a list showing byte-lengths and pixel-sizes of All image renditions in Digital Assets?Is there a query or report built in to AEM 6.1 that can do this? Or is it possible to do this in JAVA?In CRXDE Lite, the following SQL2 query will list all files in Digital...
Hi,In one of our DEV environment the sidekick is acting weird. It does not show any OOTB and custom components. The Page activate/deactivate/rollout and other buttons are also missing. Only page properties is available. In browser logs there are multiple errors as shown in image below. I already che...
this is my service="http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=London,uk&APPID=2707cfaa99b15c9d63d10a91ad164b49"I need to provide input from the felix console and get the weather info of the location using the appID.Following is my servlet class:import java.io.IOException;import org.apache.fel...
I have a scenario in production for a web app, where when a form is submitted the data gets stored in 3 tables in Oracle DB through JDBC. Sometimes I am seeing connection time out errors in logs while the app is trying to connect to Oracle DB through Java code. This is intermittnent. I am using Day ...
Hi All,After every PROD deployment we were clearing entire cache, with the below CURL.curl -H "CQ-Action: DELETE" -H "CQ-Handle: /" -H "Content-Length: 0" -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" --noproxy .com http://<HostName>:80/dispatcher/invalidate.cacheWe had a thought rather that clearing ...
I have an Article component in CMS and Content team has to tag each Article using the taxonomy defined in the Tag Manager.SO in this case we want to tag a specific article content within a page and I have to give an option to select Tags in the component when authors create the article.What is the b...
Looking at the list of HTL Global Objects in the documentation log is listed as a java-backed object backed by org.slf4j.Logger.My question is, how can I use it?I can't find any examples of it.Thinking about it, this is a specific case of a more general question; How can I call methods and pass para...