I have a requirement to post a comment on successful authentication and I'm using AEM login mechanism as below:1. Login using AJAX call$(document).ready(function() { if(userName && password) { $.ajax({ type:'POST', url : path[0]+"/j_security_check", data: { j_username: userName, j_password: password...
I was going through https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-3/develop/the-basics/designer.html document which highly recommends to store images and CSS files under /etc/design/<project>. The reasoning given is that re-designing of the website can be simply done by pointing the design path to a differen...
My project uses Brightcove AEM component and there is an issue related to the volume slider. We are able to mute it or unmute it but we are unable to change the slider bar for increasing and decreasing the volume. Can anyone please provide any helpful pointers. Thanks in advance.
Hi,I have a very limited/no knowledge on XSS protection in AEM.Went through the links http://tostring.me/270/how-to-prevent-cross-site-scripting-xss-attack-on-your-adobe-cq-based-web-application/https://docs.adobe.com/content/docs/en/cq/5-6-1/deploying/security_checklist.html#Protect%20against%20Cro...
Hi, I have given fieldDescription. But all text coming in single line. What should I use for New Line? <selectPath jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured" sling:resourceType="granite/ui/components/foundation/form/path...
Dear Experts,Our application is running on AEM 6.0 SP3 that is enabled with AEM-hybris connector which is integrated with Hybris 5.5 server. The product catalog data is imported into AEM from Hybris using AEM-hybris connector. We have also made some customization on top of Out Of The Box connector t...
I'm trying to create a live copy of a page but in a java class in my Core bundle. I'm struggling to find the correct java classes to do this. So far I have found the TemplateRolloutService in com.adobe.cq.social.blueprint.api which looks the most promosing although not sure why it is in the soci...
When I am hitting this url in my local http://localhost:4502/content/abc/def/Services/improve-it/trade-in-landing/%7b%7bprods.imageURL%7d%7d.html ,aem is unable to handle request and going into infinite loop.The processing of url is not stopping.I am using AEM 6.2 SP1.It is impacting performance in ...
So I'm getting this error org.apache.sling.auth.core.impl.SlingAuthenticator getAnonymousResolver: Anonymous access not allowed by configuration - requesting credentials whenever I try to invoke my servlet from DefaultHttpClient. Here is my code HttpPost post = new HttpPost("http://localhost:4502/bi...