Hello Community - I see some issues in uploading the assets in DAM. After uploading the assets, the thimbnail logo, preview and the metadata is blank. If I manuall trigger the DAM update assets workflow, the uploaded image preview is loading fine along with the metadata. The issue is with the trigge...
Hi all, This is about the interactive media component of dynamic media. I am trying to get experience fragment as a pop up upon clicking the image swatches from right panel of the interactive video. Hyperlink option is working fine but when i am providing the reference of experience fragment for the...
I'm writing a ResourceChangeListener to check for changes in a particular property ( for ex : "cq:lastReplicated") But the listener gets triggered for any kind of change, I want it to listen only to the property specified in the "ResourceChangeListener.PROPERTY_NAMES_HINT" I don't want to use EventL...
Hi, I am trying to fetch pages list using SQL2 query with some conditions while executing report I am facing this error. Exception executing report: org.apache.sling.api.request.ToomanycallsexceptionAnd it shows the results I have checked the Apache sling main servelt config also it is already 5500...
Hi All, In AEM there is a multivalued property jcr:mixinTypes. Its one of the properties are granite:AuthenticationRequired. Using AEM Query Builder I am trying to get all the nodes which does not have granite:AuthenticationRequired as one of the property of jcr:mixinTypes.I have tried this approach...
Hi Everyone, I am trying to resolve some of the dependencies in my project bundle, but I got to know all the dependencies are exporting by org.apache.felix.framework which is OOTB bundle. I am not sure why this is not resolving automatically. In my project bundle:org.apache.felix.framework:C...
Hi, we want to implement header and footer for AEM Headless with remote SPA(Next Js). Will that be possible by using experience fragments? Will I get SPA editor for editing the experience fragments components? Please suggest some pointers? Thanks in Advance.
Hi experts,I am very new to AEM (just starting off), I have basic requirement that when user create/update a page and click "publish" button instead of default publish I want to invoke a workflow and control the publish through this workflow.I gone through many post around this but not able to make ...
I created this model that uses multiple content fragment , the first content fragment has the link to the other that need to be loaded (if it needs to) , so how I can create a junit test in this case?