We do have a remote enterprise DAM and all AEM instances have been integrated with this dam for Assets. However this is turning out to be an expensive and hard to maintain project. Can Adobe Marketing Cloud solve this problem. Could I be able to manage assets in a centralized location and be able to...
We are using scr service to get component based on name and added a feature to enable/disable them. This feature is working fine on AEM 6.0 environment. But scr service component always remains unsatisfied on AEM 6.2 (Java 1.8)Below are the configuration that we are currently using:POM.xml dependenc...
We try to use Bootstrap, JQuery, AngularJs and other third party js libraries. Right now, some libraries provide the CDN access, for example, bootstrap, you can add this <script src="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.0.0-alpha.6/js/bootstrap.min.js" integrity="sha384-vBWWzlZJ8ea9aCX4pEW3r...
We are running on AEM 6.1 SP2 CFP4. The way we installed SP2 and CFP4 was thru copying the zip packages into the install folder (this was recommended by Adobe because we were facing some issues while installing them thru package manager).Now we are planning to upgrade to AEM 6.3. One of the note on ...
Hi All,I was reading over the documentation on the ContextHub Tool and it seems like it would be a great tool for use as a generic data layer but had some questions that wasn't in the documentation. Questions:The data element monitor polls for the values. Will page load time be affected?Is anyone us...
I created a template based on an editable template type in AEM 6.3. Under the Structure, I can drag and drop the components. However, when I switch to Initial Content, I didn't see the "drag components here", I have noway to add any components.In order to make "drag components here" available under ...
Hi All,I am working on Touch UI (AEM 6.1) and facing below issues.I don't see the components on the left rail though I have added the components from design mode. I am dragging and dropping the component from classic ui. I found in forum that there is cache issue in touch ui. Cannot find my componen...
I'm trying to keep the data store in an external location. So, I created1. org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.blob.datastore.FileDataStore.cfgpath=D:/data-store/AEM/repo-datastore-102minRecordLength=40962. org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.segment.SegmentNodeStoreService.cfgcustomBlobStore=B"true"Thi...
Hi all,I tried implementing iparsysBy including resource "(/libs/)wcm/foundation/components/iparsys" -- In page I didnt get parsys where i can drag my component, i got only ingered paragraph system where I can configure, disabling / cancelling inheretence . So ultimately i am not able to add compone...
I've done as specified in https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-2/author/personalization/content-targeting-touch.html and i'm abel to see the experiences in Author mode, but when i'm using "View as Published" or on Publish instance (after Publishing the page), the targeted components do not show up. ...