Hi,I am using AEM 6.2.0 SP1,I have create pages for my website but when i view these page in http://localhost:4502/sites.html/content/mywebsiteboth the name and the tile of page visible.How do i hide page name (refer above image the highlighted section)??
Hi,I am AEM 6.2 SP1.I want to add a new style for table's cell style refer below image of dialog. I have tried this https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-2/administer/operations/page-authoring/rich-text-editor.html#Styles (Tables and Table Cells)but i am not able to achieve this.Can you provide some ...
Hi,I have a resource. I am trying to set property for that resource using ModifiableValueMap. When I tried this I am getting null pointer exception even through that resource is available. What could be the reason and how to fix it. Thanks in advance.Code Sample:ModifiableValueMap map= resource.adap...
Hi,I have used the dynamic media to create the video component and video files are playing fine.When i am trying to play the audio files(mp3,...) in the same dynamic media, it's not getting played and getting the below error in consoleapps.dotcom.components.content.dynamicmedia.dynamicmedia$jsp Unab...
HelloI was reading the documentation about managing bulk assets metadata: Managing Multiple Assets and Collections. The documentation states the following: " The asset list has all the assets selected by default. The metadata for assets that you remove from the list is not updated."This means that i...
Hi,I have set the comment resource type to my custom comment component in journal component's design dialog. But on adding a comment to a blog, the resourceType of comment is set to 'social/journal/components/hbs/comment' instead of the resource type set in design dialog.Can any one suggest the sol...
I am using aem6. 2 with community feature pack 1.10 and when trying to create new article it shows created by anonymous but same works fine if i create an article from publish... Any clue???
Hi Everyone,I am writing curl command to create nodes ("http") inside "etc/map.publish" but it's always updating the inside of "etc/map/".Can someone help to create/update nodes inside of etc/map.publish both author & publish.Publish===========curl -u admin:admin -F'sling:match=localhost.4503/xyz' ...
For upgrade, instead of following the steps given in the documentation (https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-2/deploy/upgrade.html), will it be enough if we just launch a fresh instance of the new version and package and install our application content (content, configurations, bundles, etc.) into t...