Hi,we migrated from cq 5.6.1 to AEM 6.2 and observed that few services are not working in AEM 6.2.@component and @service annotations are not making our class registered as component and service in felix-->OSGI--->Services.The dependencies in our POM is as below:<dependency><groupId>org.apache.felix...
Hi,I have a strange issue: cannot install or uninstall any package:Install Package: /etc/packages/my_packages/footer.zipWed Jul 12 2017 12:32:45 GMT+0300 (FLE Daylight Time)Installing contentError during processing:java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: bom/sun/org/apache/xerces/internal/xni/parser/XMLInpu...
Virtual components that are working in AEM 6.1, do not show up in de component list in the sidekick in AEM 6.3.The components are visible in design mode where you can configure the component groups for that parsys.The components are also listed in the json that is used to build the component list in...
Hi,I am using AEM 6.1 SP2 CFP5 and I installed latest CFP10 on to the server. The installation went fine but when I checked http://localhost:4502/system/console/status-productinfo page it still shows me below (with CFP5 instead of CFP10)Installed Products Adobe Experience Manager (6.1.0.SP2-CFP5)I ...
I've got a custom workflow with a "Lock Payload Process" step but it doesn't seem to function as expected. I get the following in the logs:com.day.cq.workflow.impl.process.LockProcess Locking is not currently enabled. This is a No-OpI've tried setting the "cq.workflow.config.allow.locking" property...
I try to write a class called Article.java.if I do this@Model(adaptables=Resource.class)public class Article {@Inject @Default(values="") private String title;}it works fine by retrieving from the article.html using <a data-sly-use.article="mycomponents.Article">However, try to following the acs-...
In AEM 6.3 pom.xml, I defined<instructions> <_plugin>org.apache.sling.bnd.models.ModelsScannerPlugin</_plugin></instructions>in the build, it throws an Error:Problem loading the plugin: org.apache.sling.bnd.models.ModelsScannerPlugin exception: (java.lang.AbstractMethodError: org.ap...
Hi Frnds,I would like to automate my product import in aem..any suggestions ....Curently we are doing manual inmport from etc/importersHybrisbasestore - text boxBasename - text boxRegion - text boxImport buttonRegardsSathya
Hi,I have a page created with dispatcher flush template and an agent configured to clear the cache on my publish server. The flush action is set to Invalidate and it replicates successfully as per the logs but the replication paths or flush paths are not invalidated or touched. I tried setting the a...