Can we disable/delete admin uaer in AEM? The user belongs to administrator group can able to do the admin tasks. After creating users with admin rights can I delete/disable admin user. Please suggest.
In the AEM, I create one page by using the template Adobe Campaign Email (ACS), in the created page, I drag and drop some Text Field (Campaign) component into the left column, when I try to click into the component (to configure additional properties), it just can't work, what I get is the outer com...
Hi,Looking for some help using AWS SES to send emails from AEM. Steps I have taken so far,Setup/Generate SMTP details in AWS SES.Configure Email service with the AWS SMTP details.SMTP relay relay port25SMTP user -- userName provided by AWS SES SMTPSMTP ...
Hi,I took a package of design content from aem 5.6 which was a whole jcr:content node and placed it in my codebase of aem 6.2 as a content.xml file under etc/design/project-folder. It had all the metadata like created by/modified by/replicated by.The build and deployment is successful in 6.2 while u...
Hello Everyone,I'm planning to take the AEM 6 developer certification. While I'm trying to google the docs for AEM 6, not able to find the appropriate docs from Adobe. It is showing me to redirect to the 6.3 docs. So there are plenty of updates from AEM 6 to AEM 6.3. Hence the questions in certifica...
Hello everyone. I explain my problem. I have a component and i use the parsys supertype from wcm/foundation.But my question is: Is it possible to keep use the core parsys, and then include another editconfig to the component that use the parsys?I dont want to make a parsys component and then use it ...
Is it possible to use lazyload css using clientlib. In general, there are multiple ways like using aync, media as "dummy" value, prefetch etc., but I am not sure if clientlibs support anyone of these. Please suggest.
Hi,We have upgraded our CQ v 5.5 to AEM 6.2 SP1.There is external component in sidekick in which we are using js script to target URL to load in our AEM Page.We are using AEM library in our js script like jquery,shared.js etc.The main problem is that script is not able to use AEM library like jquer...
Hi All,I am planing to check the Http response of an external application from my sightly component.From development perspective which one is better -1. Make ajax call to check the application response code from sightly component itself. or2. Wr...
Hi,We have worked on integrating Hybris eCommerce with AEM, we have done this using the "" package which we got from AEM package cloud share. Now we are thinking of integrating Hybris billing with AEM. So, we are wondering if this integration is feasible. If yes, then is...