I am getting the following errorNo repository found at http://localhost:4502/http://localhost:4502/server/-/jcr:root : org.apache.commons.httpclient.NoHttpResponseException: The server localhost failed to respondhttp://localhost:4502/crx/-/jcr:root : org.apache.commons.httpclient.NoHttpResponseExcep...
Hi Everyone, I am trying to see is there any way to configure the dispatcher agents either with 2 CQ-Handle options or with regex command. That way I no need to write a custom code to invalidate the cache or no need to configure one more agent to fulfill the need. Any suggested approaches for thi...
HI Team,Is it possible to get dynamic participant step dialog values to customized process step, if possible could you please guide me how to proceed.i am getting null in value1:my code is :DynamicParticipant :public class MyDynamicParticipant implements ParticipantStepChooser{ public String getPa...
AEM 6.3 Service Pack 1 ( was released 13th of October, and contains many new OSGI bundleshttps://docs.adobe.com/content/docs/en/aem/6-3/release-notes/sp1/_jcr_content/contentbody/download/file.res/bundle-list.… Anyone found the new and updated uber-jar for 6.3.0 SP1? Can only see 6.3.0 in re...
Hi All,I have a requirement where i have a dtopdown in multifield, based on the selection values i need to show/hide other widgets.For example image/video are the options in dropdown, for image 3 widgets(path, alt text, url) should show. For video (id and image path) should.How to achieve it? I...
Hi Everyone,I am trying to implement i18n for Touch UI components.I have followed steps mentioned in Multilingual component dialog It is working fine with Classic UI (cf#). But not working for Touch UI.One strange point is that, response for "Granite.I18n.getLocale()" in web console always shows "en...
Hello,I am getting the following exception in the multifield panel on the classic UI - widgets.js:25790 Uncaught cannot create Component: xtype 'multifieldpanel' not found and no default suppliedCould you please help provide inputs.
I have a custom saml implementation with configurations in our code base for multiple publishers. Each publisher has its own configuration.When we deploy the saml authentication fails. If I go to the custom saml felix config and simply click the Save button, authentication starts working normally.An...
I am exploring Hobbes Framework to automate my test cases for Page / Components .I am stuck in finding the DOM element ID .Any help is much appreciated .Sample Code where DOM ID from AEM Hobbes Example :-new hobs.TestSuite("Home Page Test Suite", {path:"/etc/clientlibs/myTests/myFirstTest/myTestSuit...