so I've always developed in full-stack but decided to investigate the headless model. the Adobe tutorial (click here for link) is talking about various stuff and I have some questions. It seems to me content fragments is only useful if the data to be displayed resembles a database table(s) (e.g. O...
I can only think of some sort of scheduled job (written in Java) that retrieves the data from the Mulesoft API and then creating CF/nodes from the response. perhaps you have some links/guides you can suggest? thank you.
Hi All, We have extended the OOTB teaser component to add few more properties, for which I have used the recommended delegation pattern, but after I added delegation code OOTB image component starts breaking. First of all, how does OOTB image component gets impacted by extends teaser component this ...
What are the most effective strategies for increasing organic traffic to my pet care blog? I run a pet care blog, [Pan Pet Spectrum], where I share tips and advice on caring for various pets. I'm looking for ways to boost my blog's visibility and reach a wider audience. Any insights would be greatl...
HiI am using the SLY templating language in AEM to display data on company page, and I have run into a problem with decimal rounding. Here's a snippet of the sly code I'm using. <sly data-sly-test.fourDecimals="${'0.0000' @ i18n, locale=countryPage.language, hint='test page'}"></sly> <sly data-sly-...
I am attempting to add new content to the "tools" > "general" tab within aem. To get the node structure accurate, I have overlaid the node directory /libs/cq/core/content/nav/tools/general, then created the necessary node underneath general for my content. The issue is when I try to recreate this s...
Hi Team, Currently I am working on a AEM cloud based project. In my project we are currently using a customized text component which had a color picker plugin using which content author is able to use while authoring the text (RTE) component. Currently the color picker is visible only when the RTE d...
Hi All When I open the asset restore options in SiteAdmin, both the "Restore Tree" and "Restore Version" options are disabled. Why are these options disabled, and is there any way to enable them?what is the use case of those ?Aem version : 6.5.20 Thanks
Hi All,I have a multifield component and saving the node value based on the highest index but i have the problem let us assume we have three nodes (field_0, field_1, field_2) at the time, we are removing the 2nd node and try to add one more node, at this time its saving as field_3 but i need as fiel...
Hi @kautuk_sahni Yesterday there was a session on AEM Infrastructure as part of AEM Champion Hours.