I am using AEM 6.4.2. I have configured the default option as classic using Day CQ Root Mapping.When I double click any page in site admin, the page again opens in touch UI. Is there anyway to make it open in classic UI mode ?
Hello,Is there any good tutorial about Experience Fragments variation (template/model) creation?Let me explain my problem. When I try to create a new Experience Fragment, I can only see and pick up "Facebook", "Pinterest" and "We.Retail" variations (models). So, with this, I realized that I need to ...
Hello All, I am trying to get logged in user session details in my java servlet like user name,password,group,permission and complete profile details.In case of administrator logged in I am able get all details successfully but in case of other user I am getting error of "Anonymous ".1...
We are planning to customize hyper link option shown below in the Content Fragment RTE.After clicking on the above link option , it should display a custom pop up with few fields in it as shown below.Kindly let me know the possible ways to achieve this customization.
Hi Team,Could you please let me know when will be the recording of this session available. I was scheduled on November 21. I live in Australia but unfortunately I was not able to attend it since it was in the middle of the night.Thanks,Prateekcc kautuksahni smacdonald2008
Hi,Can anyone help me to iterate multi-value drop-down values to sightly from multi-field touch ui dialog(AEM6.3)sightly code <section class="lfa-panel-container gcss-theme-${properties.theme} row" data-sly-use.component="${'**********' @compName='******'}" data-sly-list="${componentmultifieldli...
Hi All,While looking into how clientlib are rendered as script tags for JS clientlibs, I could narrow down the search to "/libs/granite/sightly/templates/ClientLibUseObject.java" file in which HtmlLibraryManger's writeIncludes methods have been used.But i was not able to find the implementation of ...
In AEM 6.2, I have created a multifield that populates the fields on the dialog based on the drop down selection. The listener javascript looks likeOn the dialog loadvar TITLE = './title',cMultiField = $dialog.find('coral-Multifield');$cAdd = cMultiField.find('.coral3-Button--secondary');Method on s...
Hi All,Currently we are converting all classic ui component to touch ui component.And we are serving JSON response for all authored content using custom json service.We have noticed one issue/observation with respect to content authored using RTE. When we try to get json response for RTE content we ...
Today, I am facing an issue which is very annoying.Issue: HTML page from content are not getting load properly and showing only a white page.All bundles are active and I have restarted the AEM as well, but still, I am getting blank page only even for OOTB pages[http://localhost:4502/content/we-retai...