Issue:We have developed custom RTE link plugin where we could add additional parameters inside the anchor tag (like data-target, data-modal etc). On re-edit of the RTE the additional parameters are stripped/truncated.Observations:Step one: author the RTE dialogStep 2: Submit the RTE dialog. Content ...
Hi Team,We are using the etc/map for URL shortening for one of our site. Below are the configurations. Everything is working fine on QA environment but after moving to pre-prod(UAT) environment URL shortening is not working. On mouse hover it is showing as full content path(/content/test/en/work.htm...
I was researching asset versioning, and found this explanation which describes page versioning at sions.html . It appears to be accurate for asset versioning as well; however, I was wondering if it is possible...
Good AfternoonI've been trying to setup a filter to check the property of a pdf and then do something based on that property. My only trouble is that the filter runs even if I set the extension to pdf. How would I go about setting the filter to only execute on requests with the pdf extension.Here is...
Hi guys,I need to enable in this tools the options to change the keys values to English language.How can I do that? Because it show only another languages.http://localhost:4502/libs/cq/i18n/translator.html Thanks.Alisson Xavier
Hi All,Can someone provide me officials standard of request response statistics such as how many requests can AEM pub can handle in a day, how to configure it properly for prod?Thanks for support in advance.
Hi teamI am using rich text editor in one our components. When I add a hyperlink to a word that has a punctuation after it say comma(,) or dot(.), the RTE adds a space. Could you please let me know the reason for this and a way to fix this.In the above image betwee 'Workato' and dot(). a space is sh...
Hello all,This is a general query,We are facing some load related issues on the server where we are seeing high load on the cpu (5-6) and java process taking 400% cpu.We are not able to debug what is causing load even after taking thread dumps and top dump.Please can any one suggest a way to analyze...
Hi ,I have a requirement that I should allow to add only one particular component name B in parent componetA parsys.ThanksAdobe Experience Manager AEM - Questions Adobe Experience Cloud
Hi,We have redirects with Sling Mappings, but some of them are redirects without extension. Therefore the dispatcher is blocking these requests.What are recommended ways to fix this?Vanities are working fine, since I am using the vanitiy_url section. And redirects with extension as well, the extensi...