I am creating a sling model which fetched a excel file from the file to read and display data in an AEM component.@Model(adaptables = SlingHttpServletRequest.class, defaultInjectionStrategy = DefaultInjectionStrategy.OPTIONAL) public class OnlineCoursesModel { @Self private SlingHttpServ...
Hi All,Whenever we are upload and deploy a package in aem6.3 using maven, the same package is creating under /etc/packages/ab/.snapshot folder.we dont want to create a file under .snapshot,kindly let us know how to disable.01.11.2018 13:26:53.260 *INFO* [qtp456340420-4092] org.apache.jackrabbit.vaul...
Good afternoon.I would like to know the wildcards, delimiters, and search operators that can be used in a search statement in AEM 6.4?I beileve open and close quotes will search text as a phrase, and an * asterisk operates as a wildcard.Just wondering if there are others?Also, does AEM automatically...
I'm having a really hard time understanding what options there are out there for writing Java objects back to the JCR in some organized fashion. I came across Jackrabbit OCM (Object Content Mapping), but I can't for the life of me find any information on how it can be installed into AEM. I checked t...
I have configured brand portal cloud service, replication agent in AEM.I am seeing following unauthorized access when I do test connection.2018-11-02 11:34:49 - >> POST /bin/receive HTTP/1.02018-11-02 11:34:49 - >> Action: Test2018-11-02 11:34:49 - >> Path: /content2018-11-02 11:34:49 - >> Handle: /...
Hi team,I have created folder structure and copied licence file and jar file into single folder E:\Adobe\AEM\AuthorI changed the jar folder name to cq-author-4502.jarAnd try to start, but getting below error messageorg.osgi.framework.BundleException: Exported package names cannot be zero length. at ...
I am using AEM 6.0 for production use.I want to implement some additional security to my AEM instance.Is there a way to trigger an email to a certain set of people whenever there is a login from 'admin' credential.Also can I set a different password for triggering OAK reindexingAre there any other w...
Hi all,Looks like the JCR event listener in 6.4 is broken. Events dont get triggered at all. Is anyone else facing the same issue? Is there any solution?
Hi Team, The requirement is we suppose not to download the PDF from dispatchers, it should open in the browser. What are the configurations for this in dispatchers? Please advise.ThanksUma
Hello All,My team and I wish to begin automating our AEM builds via integration with SVN.I've seen plenty of documentation online with the technologies, GIT and Jenkins, however nothing about SVN.Does anyone have any advice as to continuous integration for SVN and AEM?We want to be able to make chan...