I have a checkbox and a textfield. If the checkbox is checked the textfield is an required field. If the checkbox is not checked the textfield is not required. It works fine when changing the page properties of an existing page. I can only save the page if I filled the textfield when the checkbox is...
Hi All, We are facing an issue with one of the publisher instance and when checking the logs, we see below details. Can you please help me understand what exactly the issue is.Due to which i'm not even able to access /system/console from localhost and getting HTTP ERROR 500 Below is the error.logCau...
Hi All, We have a one website i.e SITE-A setup already in place with maven project code base in AEM as cloud service.Now requirement is to reuse the same components from the code base for SITE-B and also possibility to create SITE-B specific components with new template for SITE-B Questions -what sh...
My client wants a report to be generated on acs-commons report of the all the users who have edit permission to specific dam folder in AEM. Is it possible to create report with acs-commons. I am open to hear any other approach like groovy script.
We're seeing an issue with a few of our templates where if the page properties are edited (within Touch UI "Properties") after initial page creation, the jcr:title field property type will be changed from String to String[], the jcr:title field will then contain 2 identical jcr:title values (we see ...
Hello,We are facing an issue where a custom index we created is conflicting with an OOTB index and we want to remove it and replace it with a more suitable index. We have removed the custom index from our _oak_index/content.xml but it remains in our environment after deployment. Is there a way to fo...
Hello, We are encountering an issue when trying to update the out-of-the-box (OOTB) OSGI config for the workflow. The configuration values are not being updated even though we have kept them under the config node. The values are not updated when accessing /system/console/ConfigMgr. AEM:
Hello, I would like to know if there is a way to publish content (ie: content and/or experience fragments and assets) to the publisher instance via API calls. Our goal is to only allow publishing content via Workfront Fusion. If anyone could point me in the right direction, that would be highly appr...
I created a custom metadata schema under metadata schema forms with new metadata properties and applied it to a DAM directory where I'm working. However I get an error "Unable to edit properties. Insufficient permissions." if the asset doesn't already have the custo metadata properties. (it works fo...
BackgroundIn my project, I am working on caching control for downloadable assets in AEM. I have written a cache rule to handle assets with URLs following these patterns: Example URL for myprojectdownload assets:https://dev-publish.myproject.com/content/dam/myproject/path/subsi/public/en/downloadsmaj...