Hi,Windows 10 comes now with Kioskmode,but only with Windows Apps that are made for Universal Windows Platform.Is there a possibility to run AEM Screens Player in Windows also as Kiosk app?
Hi Team,Have used the following code to create and an asset to collection.Resource resrce = resourceResolver.getResource(path);resrCollection = collectionManager.createCollection(parentResource, CollectionName);I'm able to see the new collection created and asset in Crxde lite but im not able to see...
I think it's a bug.2x1 Split Screen Channelalways expanding on edit mode. it's hard to edit the bottom screen cuz it's always expanding.Is there any quick fix to this?
How do I create the same kind of experience fragments with the same layout of components in with but with different content programmatically? Is there a service to create an experience fragment?
Hi. I have the following doubt I do not know which is the correct folder where I should create my java Servlets and Sling Servlets. I'm a little confused. I'd appreciate your help.At the moment I have been creating the servlets here:Link: https://i.imgur.com/L6VyOSK.pngThis is a screenshot of my CRX...
I'm working in AEM 6.3. I'm trying to extend the default behavior of vanity URLs such that the following will happen:So I'd be extending the default page properties vanity functionality to include an authorable ID field to it.1) User navigates to vanity URL and is redirected to actual URL2) ID that ...
Hi All,I am trying to implement TTL using acs aem commons and it's working fine if I configure it based on paths(Max Age) option.I was looking for something if it has TTL configuration available per resourceType or template based? Has anyone tried this thing.Having resourceType based TTL can be hel...
Dear all, can anyone please suggest what is the best way to dump the content from dupra website like pages and assets to aem .is there any script required to create a demo project or any xml data we need to generate to dump data into Aem
Hi AEM Experts,We are facing slowness issue to loadhttp://localhost:4502/mnt/overlay/dam/gui/content/collections/addtocollectionwizard.external.html page.Do anyone faced this slowness to load the "Add to Collection" (http://localhost:4502/mnt/overlay/dam/gui/content/collections/addtocollectionwizard...