Hi Guys,I have followed this link to setup google authenticator Adobe Experience Manager Help | Creating a Custom Authentication Handler for Adobe Experience Manager 6.4 . I encountered lot of deprecated / not found annotation issues too. My main class com.aem.authen.core.OTPBasedAuthenticationHandl...
Hi,I understand the steps to to an in place upgrade to AEM 6.4, but I am a bit confused when it comes to upgrade to the service pack. Below are the steps as per my understanding:1. Do an in-place upgrade from 6.3 to 6.4 by following the steps https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/6-4/sites/depl...
Can we overlay the file to our custom path or we have to overlay the file to exact folder structure location as in libs, for example i want to overlay the constants.js(/libs/cq/ui/widgets/source/constants.js) file, in this adobe recommended Copy this file to /apps/cq/ui/widgets/source/constants.js f...
AEM freezes when I make change to sequence channel. How can I fix this?if I drag a component to another position. it freezes.ERROR LOGS04.06.2019 11:45:42.418 *ERROR* [oak-lucene-51] org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.index.lucene.LuceneIndexProvider Uncaught exception in org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.pl...
Hi to all,we are using ResourceResolverFactory.getServiceResourceResolver from different threads and different event listener with a identical identifier, e.g.Map<String, Object> authenticationProperties = new HashMap<>();authenticationProperties.put(ResourceResolverFactory.SUBSERVICE, "our_id");ret...
Hello everyone,Could anyone help on this. I have some of the pages which takes time to load and process the user's request. That is why our request performance is showing warning or critical status.When i have checked JMX console for requestsStatus (HealthCheck), it shows This health check looks at ...
We are using custom multi field(multicompositefield) in page properties which saving the values as child node, able to add the values in dialog and those are saving fine, but when we open the dialog, the values are not getting populated in the dialog. The dialog is working fine when it is added as c...
Hi, When we try to group and paste components from OOTB we-retail site across pages the components are not getting pasted.For ex: when we try to group and copy from men's page:And paste in women's page:The copied components are not getting reflected here. But on refresh of page only one of the copie...
Afternoon AEM Team,We have a real head scratcher here. Our UAT environment is growing in size at a phenomenal rate. It grew 13GB just today while sitting idle (although it did do a re-index after TAR compaction). It added 52 TAR files to the segment store in just one day!We did a TAR compaction whic...
Hi, We have a requirement to perform few operations on the asset metadata when move/delete action is triggered in touch UI. To achieve these, we will have to overlay a few OOTB JS functions and have them call a custom servlet on the move/delete action.Based on my initial assessment. For asset mo...