Hi all, Gettting the below exception from one of the servlet. This is only happening on publish instance.Not sure why this is happening. 17.05.2024 15:39:57.127 *INFO* [ [1715940596900] GET /bin/pall/menu.html HTTP/1.1] com.pall.dotcom.service.utils.filters.TaxonomyPageFilter cache key:c...
We have configured our dispatcher for both 80 and 443 ports. The reason being that the publisher only loads in the browser with http, and shows site cannot be reached with https, Is there a way to configure publisher to make it accessible with https so that we only have port 443 configured in our di...
Im constructing a custom component below is its layout. Header section built using <h1>Body section which uses out of the box embed component <div data-sly-resource="${'embed' @ resourceType='core/wcm/components/embed/v2/embed'}"></div>Footer that is again some HTML code Im using embed component in ...
We have many components using granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/form/pathfield, and I want to add a button to this pathfield. I found the code for the existing button is in /libs/granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/clientlibs/foundation/js/autocomplete/autocomplete.js I could create an overl...
We have an already-built component that utilizes a third party JavaScript API. There is a textfield property entered by a content author that is ultimately read by the JavaScript API to display a message. The property is stored in a data-* attribute in the HTML. We want to change the textfield to a ...
Hi all,I have just tried to add a policy through code. Since then I am not able to see the Policies gear on the Layout container[Root]before code changes: After the code changes ( I tried to add a policy in .context.xml under /congf/....wcm/policies/.content.xml)I am unable to go to policies even a...
hi all, We are exploring the options of sharing assets from our AEM Cloud DAM instance to some external marketing agencies.We tried with Brand Portal but that has a constraint of 10 GB (Source - The maximum upload limit for any Brand Portal tenant is 10 GB which is cumulatively applied to all the co...
We want to add a list component item to the home page. Users who are members of a specific Closed User Group should see it. Users who are not part of the CUG should not.Is it possible?
Hi all, What is the rationale behind Adobe's decision to switch the resource type of nodes in the immutable section of the repository from nt:resource to oak:Resource during the deployment process? And what benefits does this approach offer? Cheers,Rustam