Hi,I have an AEM component in which I'm trying to add two nested multifields. The component has two variations that are chosen with a drop down menu under "Choose Variation" (Image-Text Listing and Document Listing). Each variation contains a nested multifield. The Image-Text Listing renders correct...
I am facing an issue with hyperlink in RTE (AEM6.3.0), when i started using filter/search query along with my URL, Problem i am facing : I made a hyper link for "Test" with this url https://test.com/campaigns?type=2&filters={%22audience%22:{%22value%22:[2]}} and then I saved and opened it in previe...
Hi Experts, We have implemented Personalisation on AEM 6.3 with AEM-CFP- Service Pack. After targeting the components, In Author the Personalisation is working fine. In Publisher this is not working until restart of the publish instance. After Debugging the issue found to be, After Targe...
Hi,I want to see the alert or any console.log after opening the tagpicker. (once all the content of tagpicker is visible or after opening the tagpicker console then show alert/console.log, not while loading tagpicker in dialog) Problem : Suppose in touchui dialog we have one pathbrowser and one tagp...
Experts,First of all thanks for creating this forum appreciate it.Do we have any tool or scripts to migrate the content(documents with metadata) from Sharepoint Online/File Share to AEM. Also if there is any API exposed which can do this task please let me know.Nikhil
Hi All, We are migrating from AEM 6.3 to 6.5 environment. As per adobe documentation, repository upgrade is not required if we are migrating from 6.3 environment.I'm just wondering what would be the best way to migrate all the content+ existing users from AEM 6.3 to new 6.5 environment? I have follo...
I would like to get an access to my managed dispatchers as our CSE has suggested. He also pointed to https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/Adobe-Experience-Manager/publisher-passing-401-authentication-error-to-localhost/qaq-p/192230 post as a solution. I added RequestHeader unset Authoriz...
I am not able to add js to my dilaog ..I tried includeclientlibs node and categories=cq.authoring.dialog as well .... Please let me know if I m missing something here dialog validation
Hi All,As part of aem_hacker.py reports,requested us block the below access in our application.bin/querybuilder.json.cssbin/querybuilder.feed.cssibs/cq/security/userinfo.csscrx/de/index.jsp;%0aa.cssI have tried with the below deny rule in dispatcher.any file and it's not worked { /type "deny" /url"...