Hi, We are using MSM for managing multiple regional websites, we have 9 websites in total with respect to blueprint and we are using "push on modify", "activate on blueprint activation", "deactivate on blueprint deactivation". push on modify is very inconsistent over the pages, some times it sync wi...
Hi, Client has a requirement to display three screens, each screen will have set of questions and user entered need to carried across different screens / stateful. How would you do this in AEM. My consideration is this would be a react or angular component that need to be rendered somehow on aem pag...
Hi Team, In our caconfigs, we encounter an issue related to path browser fields. Upon the initial load of the configuration, selecting an item in the path browser triggers a page reload without retaining the selection. However, after this initial reload, subsequent selections work correctly. The iss...
Can anyone help me with the below query?In the below JSON, how can I fetch desc and title from the multiFieldContent ?? with the help of JSONArray we can achieve it, but since its deprecated.. please provide any suggestions. {"jcr:primaryType": "nt:unstructured","textLabel": "Text","multiFieldConten...
When I am trying to translate the content via X-connect one component content is not getting updated in the zip file, How to include that component to translate?
Hello Community, I have a requirement to enhance the workflow options i.e If the user clicks the "manage publication" option from the menu, instead of taking the users to Manage Publication wizard directly, I need to show two options in the navigation, i.e the custom workflow option named "custom wo...
Hi,I have an use case for a retail ecommerce B2C domain client, where we have huge inventory of products with variations. Product have their dynamic data like price and stock availability and other dynamic data. I don't want to use CIF instead inclination is towards API based services exposed by API...
Requirement- we hv an API which is built on AEM and migration user want to access that API that points to author server. we have used the sling servlet to build the API what kind of authorization and authentication should i pass in the servlet so that user can use that API from outside. Please share...
Custom Event Handler is not getting triggered on click of Publish/Unpublish to Brand Portal in AEM Cloud environments - We have a custom event handler named DAMReplicationListener.java in our codebase and it is getting triggered on click of Publish/Unpublish to Brand Portal on AMS but it's not getti...