I have AEM's instance hosted something like this https://author.dev.demo.adobecqms.net, this is AEM 6.5 version.I want to create and delete pages on this author instance using AEM's page manager API with any automation tool like JMeter or RestAssured but I have no idea, how to do it.After spending s...
Hi @All, Can anyone please explain to me or help me to get the knowledge on Dispatcher configuration and also dispatcher cashing for AEM 6.5. And also I am requesting here can anyone tell me how to perform the workflow operation through AEM and also from Programmatically using java.
Hi All, Is there a preprocessing Hook we can attach to design/dialog property of a component ? Is there a way we can override currentStyle, currentDesign objects and hook up some processing logic. So that dialogue text can be transformed before handing over to the components.
Hi I have 3 components and I want to add them all in thee columns in a page. But when I do drag the layout frame left or right it again takes the full page. Layout frame is not remain in same position.
How to add font files in project folder. I create fonts folder but not getting an option of copying font file or even file drag an drop option. Please guide me how to add font files.
I have a issue related to one name display in a content while authoring or rendering like for a company name like V-John,In the rendered content every where the name should display as V-John and not like V John or V (new line)John or V ‑ John So all such occurrences should be taken always sam...
On AEM 6.5 Author, a SPA based project.Core components 2.8.0, SPA Project Core 1.0.6 We can Edit the page but when choosing "View as Published" (either the page or experience fragment), the below error shows up (only for spa project, non-spa projects load fine).In logs.. 18.09.2020 07:41:53.462 *ER...
Hi I have a use case where I want to use content author's choices made using style systems (it has multi-selection option for different areas) in different parts of html. Not sure how to do it. Out Style System dropdown example: Where I want to use it in html: I want to able to get the values and u...
Hey there We're looking to run an instance of AEM in Azure App Services, but I can seem to find any decent guides on how to do this. Has anyone here had any experience of doing this? Could you recommend any decent tutorials? Matt