We cant build WKND from scratch - it wont compile. Our organisation uses episerver and has several commerce sites with around 50million page impressions a month. We have around 30 episerver developers. As the CMS architect, I have been tasked with evaluating AEM. The content team want to be able t...
I just want to get an AEM dev env working so I can try the tutorials. This guide simply doesnt work, and there could be any number of reasons. There is one other guide, but its for the cloud version. I have been given AEM_6.5_Quickstart.jar. This unpacks into a dir called "crx-quickstart". This is...
I have followed this guide to the letter on a clean windows pc: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-learn/foundation/development/set-up-a-local-aem-development-environment.html#set-up-a-local-aem-development-environment So have a running author jar, mvn and java installed, ecl...
We are using private DNS zones for our internal sites. We are connected to the cloud by site to site vpn on palo alto and until recently our private domains have stopped resolving and name servers are not finding their way. Using dig command I am able to cache some of the addresses on palo alto but ...
Hi, We would require to fetch the EXIF Information from the Image so we can set as metadata in AEM Dam.when I upload assets into DAM, I would require color space(Custom Metadata field ) metadata field to be autopopulated from EXIF information. The list includes: CMYK, PMS and RGB. The autopopulati...
Hi All, As per the steps provided on adobe site I have determined the start command after repository migration as below : java -server -Xms2g -Xmx8g -Djava.awt.headless=true -Doak.queryLimitInMemory=500000 -Doak.queryLimitReads=100000 -Doak.fastQuerySize=true -javaagent:/opt/newrelic/newrelic.jar -...
I need to Mock file import request using MockSlingHttpServletRequest so test my custom code. but I am unable to understand how to do it. if there is any resource available around multipart file upload
Adobe sent me the AEM 6.5 quickstart jar and a key. As per these instructions: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-learn/foundation/development/set-up-a-local-aem-development-environment.html?lang=en#steps i created the author and publish dirs, copied in the quickstart jar and...
Hi All, Trying to get Page model object (OOB) in JUnit test case, but getting NullPointerException (at line#75).Am I missing anything in the implementation, any thoughts/suggestion please.
I have a need to build secure pages on a website by integrating with an external identity system. The external IDP has its own login page and it will redirect to AEM secure page after successful login after setting an identity cookie. I want to use this external login to establish authenticated sess...