Hello All,We need to provide an option from UI for the business to manage the scheduled jobs.Users should be able to see the scheduled jobs, reschedule, and cancel the jobs.I am using the Scheduler class to schedule the jobs.ScheduleOptions options = scheduler.EXPR("0 55 16 * * ?");options.canRunCon...
Hey All, So I am trying to figure out the best solution to a problem I have. Here is the problem: I have a page called product-page.sku1.html (this is a page that has a selector). It has a product details component with a model that pulls images from both magento and the dam. Out of box caches that ...
All, I have a problem statement where webhe have supposed to show ® as superscript.But this has not been aded by content author so now am trying to update dynamically . Is there any suggested approach
Hello Community - I am working on a component which uses the sling model to get the required values for the properties that is working as expected. My question here is, I need to use the values I received from Sling Model in javascript (Included as a clientlib in the component). E.g. <sly data-sly-u...
Hi,I am trying to use LaunchManager Api to Promote the launch, but I am unable to set LaunchPromotion Parameters.https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/6-3/sites/developing/using/reference-materials/javadoc/com/adobe/cq/launches/api/LaunchManager.html#promoteLaunch(com.adobe.cq.launches.api.Laun...
Looking for some ideas here on the best way to handle the following scenario specifically as it relates to AEM Sites and Translation. 1. We have pages that have been translated from a Global English Master to various languages through a Translation Provider (SDL and others). 2. When the translations...
On the AEM logs does the moving of tags gets logged.I find "moving tag from" but not the user who moved the tag.The access log does has the user id but not the user action.Is there a way to find this .Please advsie.Thanks.
Hi, We are using ACS common (4.0.0) Dispatcher Flush page to flush dispatcher cache as scheduled job using Jenkins.Our site have English and French content pages. Looks like French cached pages are not getting deleted... Anyone seen these kind of issue before..?
I am facing one issue, I created a single page website using the samples in AEM 6.5 with sp7 but in the console on opening the html page I am getting, "Refused to apply style from 'http://localhost:4502/etc.clientlibs/settings/wcm/designs/social/console/resources.css' because its MIME type ('') is n...
Hi, We have one requirement that we want to run aem scheduler in EST timezone but our AEM server is running in UTC timezone. So is there a way to schedule scheduler in EST timezone?