hi folks,I'm moving to Cloud Manager deployment on my AMS 6.5 AEM installation.I'm wondering about Clientlib versions.Currently our pages have (static) templates that refer to clientlibs categories of "blah1,blah2".The clientlibs get included in the pages with a long hash in their names ('cos of cli...
There are few bundles are not resolved after deploy to local server com.bea.xml.stream -- Cannot be resolvedcom.ctc.wstx.stax -- Cannot be resolvedcom.google.crypto.tink.subtle -- Cannot be resolvedcom.ibm.xml.xlxp.api.stax -- Cannot be resolved and overwritten by Boot Delegationcom.jcraft.jzlib --...
importing new translation dictionary through xliff file , we are getting multiple rows of same source string , one has extra spaces , which we did not provide. extra row is added , but ideally they should merge with the same old string.1.We maintained different ids , for source strings (different fr...
While Developing for AMS websites, is there a special AEM local environment that we build with? Because with AEM 6.5, we will run the aem65-author-p4502.jar file, but how about AMS?
Hello, we understand that AEM came out with the AEM SPA editor around 2 years ago. It was a new product. There are tutorials online from Adobe teaching basic and simple ways to setup a basic AEM SPA website, but I have not seen any real AEM SPA website's in live production.Are there any AEM customer...
ACS Commons Redirect Map Manager Tool and ACS Commons Versioned Clientlibs says, "This feature is not AEM as a Cloud Service compatible; starting with the release 4.6.2 this feature is disabled on this platform (including the SDK)."How is AMS going to replace ACS Commons Redirect Map Manager Tool? D...
Hello,Does AEM have SEO tools in Wordpress like Yoast? https://yoast.com/wordpress/plugins/seo This tool will be used for content authors to check their SEO score before they will publish the page.
Page creation on AEM 6.5.5 author is giving 405 method not supported issue There is small pop-up message as below ErrorCould not create pageAnd over browser/developer/network tab we could see below error. Method POST not supportedCannot serve request to /aem-perf/bin/wcmcommand in com.day.cq.wcm.cor...
Hi there, Every time I move a new single page in AEM to a different folder, a list of pages in the logs are showing the following message. Do you guys know what triggers this, because am only move just one page here. 29.01.2021 07:02:45.028 *WARN* [,,] [YBOzEg710xAE...
Hi Team, I tried to apply the style in RTE , and style icon is not enabled in Dialog fullscreen mode.In Inplace editor style applied to total RTE content.