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Azure data store config is not working for persisting Node and segment store


Level 1

Hi Team, 

I am trying to run aem author in Docker Container. For that purpose, I went with the Azure data store approach i followed the same step which was given in the Documentation . But somehow it is not working. I could able to see the blob is getting uploaded into the Azure blob. But i am not seeing assets or segment node after the restart. Seams like my changes is not persisting after the restart. 

Could anyone please help me on this. I ran aem with the below config 

java -jar instance.jar -nointeractive -r author,crx3tar-nofds

And i changed the below PID - 

org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.blob.datastore.AzureDataStore.config - Datastore config - From Azure Connector lib
org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.SegmentNodeStoreService.config - Segment Store config - From Azure Connector lib

And also i noticed another segment PID. even I Changed to point to a same blob with different container. 


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