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Multifield Values Not Appearing in Page model.json in AEM Remote SPA


Level 2

Hello everyone,

I am facing an issue with multifield values not appearing in the model.json of a page in an AEM Remote SPA setup. I have created custom Sling models for my components, and everything works fine when I directly call the component's model.json. However, when the component is included in the responsivegrid of a page, the multifield values do not appear in the page's model.json.

Detailed Issue:

Direct Component Addition: When I add a component directly to the page from React code, the model.json for the component is called and includes all the multifield values as expected (matching the Sling model).

Responsivegrid Addition: When the same component is added in the page via the responsivegrid, the page's model.json is called but does not include the multifield values. This JSON is generated automatically by AEM and does not consider the custom Sling model.

What might be causing the multifield values to not appear in the page's model.json? Are there additional configurations or steps required to ensure multifield data is included in the page model?Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

3 Replies


Community Advisor


Are you seeing any issues in the browser console or on the logs? Would be possible to share a screenshot about the issue?

Esteban Bustamante


Level 5

Is your Sling model nesting another Sling model as well ? For e.g. for your multifield data ?