Hi ,
I would want inputs as how the AuthenticationInfoPostProcessor will get invoked for
capturing saml response in java code using aem6.5.
If implement an component like below
@Component(immediate = true, metatype = false)
public class SAMLResponsePostProcessor implements AuthenticationInfoPostProcessor {
1>Need inputs as How will this component be invoked by saml response after login.
I see entries in our code base like
com.adobe.granite.auth.saml.SamlAuthenticationHandler-app1.xml , we have like this 4 apps,I meant app1,app2,app3,app4.
I also see the as soon as the user logs in it creates a Node for the user details under /home with rep:user.
But don't see any entries in com.adobe.granite.auth.saml.SamlAuthenticationHandler-app1.xml for user creation under
/home with rep:user.
So how is that the above sample code will be hit when we saml login happens.
Please provide inputs