We pay for X million Page impressions per month, but we understand there is a limitation on the number of images and assets served by the DAM.
How do we see what this limit is, and how much of it we have used?
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Hi @TB3dock ,
Take a look at the feature introduced recently on cloud manager which allows you to see an overview of your usage.
This could be your starting point, and for deeper information related to the dashboard, you need to open a support ticket.
You could also use Splunk queries to count the requests as well.
Hope this helps!
Thanks, but that page only shows page impressions (html pages and json data), it doesnt show DAM image usage (or ADM usage) unfortunately.
we dont have or use splunk unfortunately.
I see, you can check your allowance and limitations here:-
Also for the usage report, you can generate it yourself. Check this link for more details
Hope this helps!
Thanks for the reply. we have tried the assets reports, but
there seems to be no way to get the number of images viewed, only a list of every image downloaded. Its showing only 20 images downloaded in 1years, but we would expect at last 100,000,000 views. If there was a way to download each image viewed, excel can only handle 1,000,000 rows.
We cant find the allowance or cost anywhere in the contract.
That link you kindly provided for the licence doesnt seem to mention assets served from the DAM (i.e. images) that I can see. it does have this:
Its not clear here if "content request" refers to Page views, DAM assets or both". We are paying for 1M page views per month, and we have 400% overage according to the licence tab in the Management console. We assume this does not include images.
The licence doc doesn't seem to mention if the charges are for images served from the DAM AND images served from CDN. The difference is orders of magnitude.