Key value: This session enables you to create performant GraphQL queries, based on the best practices we recently published. Content: Headless content delivery based on GraphQL can be fast, but might also cause performance bottlenecks in some cases. It all depends on how you develop your GraphQL queries. In this session, you will learn tips and tricks and best practices of the latest AEM GraphQL features, and how to exploit those to fine-tune your GraphQL queries for a performant delivery of your content!
23rd May, 2023 | 09:45-10:30 PST OR 17:45-18:30 UTC OR 18:45-19:30 CET
Jabran Asghar, Sr. Software Engineer, Adobe
Please use this thread to ask the question related to this Session.
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Hello everyone.
@Nikita_Mitroshin I have asked the speaker of this session to review your post.
1. Dispatcher does not cache if an extension [0] is missing. Therefore, you can
1.a. Either, use an extension (e.g. .json) with the persisted query name when creating the persisted query
1.b. Or, add the following rewrite rule, to let dispatcher add an extension by default, so that the query results can be cached
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/graphql/execute.json
RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ /$1;.json [PT,L]
2. Yes, there is a procedure for updating your Content Fragments for optimized GraphQL Filtering [1] in AEM 6.5.
Hello Folks,
I have one question regarding above session, Jabran mentioned that Sorting & pagination feature is coming in AEM Sp17 on AMS and I can see this feature is already available in Prerelease mode in AEMaaCS. I am wondering, when can this be available in full normal release of AEMaaCS instance. Can you please help provide approx. date or release version for the same?
The feature is already available in AEMaaCS with release 11382+.
Mentioning this as Prerelease is a documentation error, we shall update it. Thanks for catching that.
Hi @kautuk_sahni,
Can you help me with more insight plus any documentation to understand the hybrid filtering.
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Hi @Karthikyarru,
In simple words, GraphQL hybrid filtering in my talk [0] referred to:
At present, to observe what JCR query and filtering was executed at the JCR level, you can simply use "Popular Queries" tab on AEM query performance [1] UI. For example:
To get an idea what kind of filters will not be applied at the JCR level, see "filter exclusions" section at [2].
I hope this helps.
[1] http://localhost:4502/libs/granite/operations/content/diagnosistools/queryPerformance.html (change host/port as necessary)