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July 31st AEM Gems Webinar: Elevate your AEM development to master the integration of private GitHub repositories within AEM Cloud Manager.

502 Bad Gateway while setup of Dispatcher in Local


Level 5

I have setup an AEM as a Cloud Service project on local along with the Dispatcher. Initially, the dispatcher was working fine but after some days when I tried to start it again, it resulted in showing 502 Bad Gateway error. In terminal, there were messages like "Unable to connect to backend farm, no publish farms available". I tried reinstalling docker, dispatcher as well as publish instance but then also the error remained same. Is there a way to resolve this?

3 Replies


Community Advisor

@nikita24tailor Do you have any farms listed under this directory - dispatcher-cloud/src/conf.dispatcher.d/enabled_farms

One reason I can think of about the error is - symlinks must be failing. The actual farm files are placed under the available_farms, and symlinks are created to refer to them in enabled_farms. Please check the files under enabled_farms; if they're missing, create symlinks.


Level 5

I have not done any changes in the configurations yet. Default ones are only being used.


Community Advisor

I think the default farm configs come up with symlinks pointed to available_farms, so good to check the files under the /etc/httpd/conf.dispatcher.d/enabled_farms directory in your docker instance.


Enable Debug logging in dispatcher and restart the dispatcher, you should see the loaded farms in the log file.