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Nav bar in HTML article does not show title


Level 2

In my app, I have a number of pages that are built with HTML. When I tap on the page, the nav bar appears, but there is no title. It's just the back arrow with the hamburger menu. On collection pages the title of the collection appears in the nav bar. How can I get the title of the article to appear in the nav bar on article pages?

5 Replies


Level 5

Could you please throw in more details. Its difficult to understand your scenario.


Community Advisor
  • Is this a custom app?
  • How are you handling the navigation bar?'

     The title for any page should be fetched  , but to give more details as susheel said, you may have to explain some more details on how you have implemented these.




Level 10

What version are you using?

How are you implementing your components - are you using HTL?

The more detail you provide - the more the community can help you.


Level 2

This is a custom app built with AEM Mobile. How can I tell what version I'm using? How can I tell if I'm using HTL, and what does that mean? In the app customization section, I have the navigation bar and status bar for phone and tablet set to default (always visible on browse pages, and visible on tap for articles). Again, when I'm in my app, on the article pages, after I tap the screen, the navigation bar comes up but there is no title in the bar. It is blank. On collection/browse pages, the title does show up. I would like the article title to show up in the navigation bar after I tap on the screen on the articles.