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How to use HTML Article Packager for Windows?


Level 1

I googled for it but it only shows result for Mac. Please Help. Thanks!

9 Replies


Employee Advisor

You can download it from Digital Publishing Solution Help | Install tools for DPS 2015    

Instructions available at https://helpx.adobe.com/digital-publishing-solution/help/creating-html-articles-dps.html

(should be the same on Windows, just drag your main folder onto the HTML Article Packager icon and the .article file will be generated)




The HTML Article Packager is available for Windows also.

You can download it from the link below or directly from the DPS portal.

Digital Publishing Solution Help | Install tools for DPS 2015

How to use the tool : just drag and drop your html file directly in the HTML Packager tool .

For more information check the following article : Digital Publishing Solution Help | Create HTML articles for DPS 2015




Level 1

When I drag my main folder onto the HTML Article Packager icon, nothing happened.




a) - Have you checked the content of your main folder ?

In case, you have the HTML Article Packager on the desktop and the main folder on a different location, the resulting .article file will show up where the folder is located not on the desktop ;

b) - You can run a search on your computer as follows : thenameofyourfolder.article (let's say you folder is called test, then the search will be a test.article). Also you can use a wildcard search such as *.article

c)-  Another approach you can make is to put the main folder in the same place as the HTML Article Packager (let's say on the desktop), in this way you will be certain that the article file will appear in the same location as the HTML Article tool




Level 1

Hey Andrei,

I have the same problem as Jacqqq. When i drag the folder onto the HTML Article Packager, nothing happens. There is no .article file in any directory.

It is not that big problem for me because i work with mac and windows. It does work on the MacBook, but not on windows. Maybe there's a bug for a specific system....

It's a Windows 7 Professional SP1 64-bit....




I've tested on a Windows 7 Entreprise S1 32bit and I could reproduce this.

I will have a deeper look on this but it could that this version 32 bit might not work as the installer is mentioning a 64 bit app.

On a 64 bit Windows, the HTML Article works fine.

Thank you,



Level 1

I did re-install the article packager to make sure it was the 64-bit version when i noticed there was no choice what to download

So the problem is still the same and i get no article-file after dropping the folder onto the packager.


Level 2

Hi guys,

I had the same problem (When I drag the folder onto the HTML Article Packager, nothing happens) on Windows 8 64-bit until I copied all the files on USB key ( into G:\DPS_2015) to try on the different PC:

3 files from C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\ArticlePackager


HTML Article Packager shortcut from desktop.

Then for HTML Article Packager change properties "Target" and "Start in" to




Copy article's folder (e.g. blueArticle01) into G:\DPS_2015

And now drop that folder onto our new HTML Article Packager shortcut inside the G:\DPS_2015.

Say your prayers and look for the created file G:\DPS_2015\blueArticle01.article

Moved it to D\DPS_2015 and it still works.

You've got an idea, right?



Just would like to add that it also works in Windows 10 64-bit and that you may also edit the article-packager.bat file and change 1st line into "echo on" and add one last line "pause", so you may see the errors article-packager.exe is sending. When there is a bug you may see this error (at least I had it) in the output "Error: wrong number of arguments, 4".

echo on



cd %1

for %%* in (.) do set CurrDirName=%%~nx*

cd ..

SET ARTICLE_PATH=%cd%\%CurrDirName%.article

"%~dp0\article-packager.exe" "%1" index.html "%ARTICLE_PATH%"

# set /p DUMMY=Hit ENTER to continue...



Level 3

It's a great tip to edit the .bat file, turn echo on and set a pause, so you can see the error(s). Using that technique, I was able to quickly see that my article's grandparent folder having spaces was causing an error. Once I renamed the folder, it worked as expected. Thanks!