My problem is When I download dng file from server, It will automatically import lightroom mobile but I can't do it. I use some method to download image. RN-fetch-blob. Please help me about this.
sample code:
const configOptions ={
ios: { fileCache: true, path: fPath, appendExt: ext, },
android: {
fileCache: false,
appendExt: ext,
addAndroidDownloads: {
useDownloadManager: true,
notification: true,
path: aPath + '/' + file_ex,
description: 'Image'}}
.fetch('GET', imageUrl)
.progress((received, total) => { console.warn('progress', received / total); }) .then((res) => { console.warn('file_downloaded', res);; })
.catch((errorMessage, statusCode) => { console.warn('error with downloading file', errorMessage); });