After the release of the new publishing platform from Adobe i have a questionSince the new way of publishing have several difference from the way we used to do it up till now, is it possible to start creating new apps with the new Publishing solution while at the same time to be able to to provide ...
Hi, I see that Enable Newsstand is possible when building a new app for iOS. But isn't it Apple's plan to remove published apps from Newsstand - or News or whatever the name might be...?
Hi everyoneI'm building a Adobe Publish app which is working well but there are some articles that I don't want in collections as I don't want them to have a card image in the browse page.So that seems to be fine, I leave them as articles out of collections and they still seem to link when I have a ...
Man this is Painful....Been following the videos.... I am at the Adobe Publish App Signing Tool window...Need help finding a Mobile Provision:____________ and then Certificate:___________. Not sure where to get these?
I have followed all the steps in the User Guide and built a test app..followed all the steps to sign it. I am at the point of wanting to load it and preview it on my iOS devices and need help.This is my first app build; the Adobe Guide says "Use iTunes, Xcode, or a different method to load the signe...
I made an Android App and installed it on a HTC phone. Unfortunately I don't get any content even though I published a collection with added articles.What to do?ThanksHaeme Ulrich
I understand that a banner is a static element that can link to a web link or be a placeholder for image content. An article can contain an uploaded .article or packaged HTML file.I am interested in having a card open up to a video. It would be great if i could upload that video file to play on the ...
I was able to create a Windows App yesterday at the publishing portal. Today I tried to create another Windows App and it failed. The status is Failure. I edited the Windows App yesterday and resubmitted and it also failed. Has anyone been able to create a Windows App today?
The company I work for has put in a lot of money and time for training into teaching the old way of publishing Folios. How long will the old system of publishing Folios be supported by Adobe? We would like some insight so that we can begin developing some kind of plan. Thanks.