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Assigning Layout Templates to Collections


Level 3

There are a couple things I seem to be missing, or overlooking when I am making my layout templates. It says in the tutorials "When you save the layout template, you are prompted to apply the layout template to the imported collection." Currently I am not being prompted. I hit the save button and that is all. Am I missing something. This means every time I open that layout I have to import the collection.

Also, the default layout is set to portrait for the tablet. It is not showing me the button at the bottom of the drop down menu to change the default. Again, am I missing something? This is what mine looks like. Thanks in advance!

Screen Shot 2016-03-15 at 4.30.03 PM.png

2 Replies



Importing the collection into the layout template is useful to see how the layout affects your particular content. Once you apply the layout template to the imported collection, you don't need to do it again--it's already applied.

To change the layout from Portrait to Landscape, click Landscape at the top of the menu. The default option at the bottom of the menu is for something else (to make a layout rendition the default).

Hope this answers your questions.


Level 6

I think some clarification may help here. (Bob, I read the questions slightly differently...)

When you're working in Layout Templates, as Bob says, you want to import a collection to help visualize what you're designing.

You can save the template anytime.

The Close button can deliver two experiences, depending on the collection that you import.

  • If you import a collection that does not use this template you get the option to apply the Layout Template to the imported collection.
    • This is always the case when you create a new Layout Template.
  • If you are editing a template that's already used on a collection, you don't need to apply it since it's already applied.
    • When you edit an existing template, the import command prioritizes the collections for import. Collections that use the template are at the top of the list.

Yes, when you edit a Layout Template you need to choose which collection to import because you might want to try a different design. (You can switch the imported collection in the Mapping view of Layout Templates.)

Now to your screenshot:

The message at the bottom of that menu says that the Tablet rendition is the default that will be used if you now add a phone rendition.

You cannot set a default orientation for use in Layout Templates.

That command/option does not set the orientation for any collection, orientation is an app level setting.