This request has been raised to the product team via the Jira CQ-4323689. The product team will triage this request to verify feasibility based on prioritization model. This post will be updated according to the Jira request status.
Can you please add a real world usecase scenario and the business impact of this feature enhancement ? This info is requested by the product team. Thanks
@hamidk92094312 - in our DAM, we have 700+ folders, and for most of them, we want to control the order manually. With that, the sorting feature we have now will not suffice our need.
@mikeetiuPH - This is not from Adobe, but for whatever it's worth from an implementation partner with >60 AEM Assets projects under our belt, we have always set the Ordered folder option by default, including clients with tens of terabytes and millions of assets and never seen any noticeable performance impact. These implementations are mostly on AEM 6.5 (and earlier versions) rather than AEM CS, but Adobe has at times informed us that the option causes performance impacts, but we have never experienced any.