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Request to improve the way we choose folders for pages or assets by saving the folder choice for later use.


Level 1


Request for Feature Enhancement (RFE) Summary:

a feature to let the user "pin" (save) a specific path on AUP as a starting point when choosing assets or content links within AUP. After pinning a location, next time the user has to browse to an asset or content element, the pinned location is used as a starting point.


when editing pages on elements such as:

-             content grids (articles, case studies)

-             content grids (people)

-             page configuration (selecting hero banner image, selecting featured image, selecting thumbnail)

-             configuring links (CTA buttons, text links etc.)


Current/Experienced Behavior:

Expanding the directory path from the starting point is very time consuming, and it needs to be done multiple times

-             Country branches are not sorted in a meaningful way, which makes it very difficult to find the needed folder in the directory tree

Improved/Expected Behavior:

Example scenario 1 (non-exhaustive of the use cases): In a content grid, the user clicks to add a new item. They click the folder icon which opens the content structure starting at the "EY Unified Site" level. The user finds the directory which they want to be the new starting point for adding content to content grids and they "pin" and save this directory location.


Once this is enhanced, in content grid, when clicking the folder icon, it starts browsing from the saved (pinned) location.

The user has the option to unpin the folder and pin a new one if needed.

Example scenario 2 (non-exhaustive of the use cases):

Similar thing happens in the Page Properties / Images tab, where the user defines the assets to be used as page thumbnail and featured image. The "Pick" and "Select image" links open a dialog window which starts at the pinned location for assets.


Note : the pinned locations for assets and for content are different. The user can pin a location for each of the different use cases – for content fragments, for links, for images and for documents

Environment Details (AEM version/service pack, any other specifics if applicable): 2025.1.19149.20250116T154450Z
Customer-name/Organization name: Aneesh.KM@gds.ey.com / Hans.vinje@nl.ey.com / EY / EY.COM
Screenshot (if applicable): NA
Code package (if applicable): NA
1 Comment





Thanks for proposing this idea.
This has been reported to the engineering under the internal reference ASSETS-47544. The product team will triage this request to verify feasibility based on the prioritization model. This post will be updated according to Jira's status.
Status changed to: Investigating