The customer has integrated a custom property (jcr:content/metadata/dc:suffix ) into the filter search form and enabled partial search for this property. This property stores metadata values, such as product SKUs, which frequently include dots (. ) and hyphens (- ) as part of their structure (e.g., OLED48B46LA.AEUQLHX or OLED48B46-LA-AEUQLHX ).
However, the current search functionality treats these special characters as delimiters, breaking the search query into tokens and failing to retrieve relevant assets.
For example, search for OLED48B46-LA.AEU* is not working where property value is OLED48B46-LA.AEUQLHX. This issue significantly impacts the customer’s ability to locate assets efficiently, disrupting workflows that depend on precise and reliable search capabilities.
The requested enhancement is critical to ensure accurate partial and full-text search for SKUs and other metadata properties containing dots and hyphens, which are key identifiers for assets in the customer's repository.
Customer Impact: The inability to perform searches with strings containing dots (. ) and hyphens (- ) limits the customer’s ability to retrieve assets effectively. This impacts search efficiency and accuracy, resulting in significant delays in workflows and operational inefficiencies. Since LG Electronics' SKUs often include these special characters, the current behavior does not meet their requirements, hindering productivity and disrupting processes dependent on seamless asset retrieval.