Adobe AEM Assets allows user to email the download to another user. The email creates a link to a zip file, sends it from a no-reply address and looks suspicious, like a security breach. No sender information is included in the email.
Here are the steps to reproduce:
Select 1 or more Assets
Click “Download”
In the Download dialog, choose “Email” and enter the user’s email address
AEM will generate a ZIP file of the asset(s) and email the user.
Current/Experienced Behavior:
The email feature creates a link to a zip file, sends it from a no-reply address and looks suspicious, like a security breach.
Improved/Expected Behavior:
The email body should include sender's username or email address, so the email can be verified and authenticated by the recipient.
Environment Details (AEM version/service pack, any other specifics if applicable):
Customer-name/Organization name:
Wakefern Food Corp
Screenshot (if applicable):
Sample email that AEM Assets sends - you can see how suspicious this looks:
Thank you for your response. Yes, the “From:” address is configured to the address you see the email coming from in my screenshot - it's the "" generic address. We need to address the issue of the body of the email providing NO information as to the sender of the download or what the ZIP file contains, since it just says “You are invited to download <filename>”.