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unable to create forms theme getting console error and if editing existing theme getting blank page showing jcr:Content not found in error log


Level 2

Trying to create a new custom theme using create -> theme then added name and title and clicked on create no action happened by checking page console getting below error




2) Trying to edit the current theme getting blank page while checking in error.log ,  having a warning message that seems like jcr:content is not found but checking in crxde manually able to see the details


09.10.2024 12:24:33.669 *WARN* [[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1] [1728456873656] GET /editor.html/content/dam/formsanddocuments-themes/nfl/canvas-3-0/jcr:content HTTP/1.1] com.adobe.cq.xf.impl.servlet.rendercondition.EditorRenderCondition Page at path /content/dam/formsanddocuments-themes/nfl/canvas-3-0/jcr:content doesn't have a jcr:content node




Note: AM using aem-sdk-2024.8.17465.20240813T175259Z-240800  and  forms add as aem-forms-addon-sdk-2024.07.31.00-240800 . 


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2 Replies



Hi Gokilavani,


Please provide server error log file, so we can have a look. And if possible, in the browser console, can you please show the source file line number where this is failing with error message "Cannot read properties of undefined".



Pankaj Parashar



@Pranay_M @ankumitt @wizard04wsu @Vijay_Kumar_Jalagari @Lokesh_Vajrala @Taz_2424 Can you take a quick look at this question? Any guidance you can provide would be much appreciated!

Kautuk Sahni