Hi, I am looking for some help here as I'm close but I am a bit lost.
I have a an adaptive form in our development environment. Its pointing to a JEE Application
*I used the following directions to set this up* https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/forms/install-aem-forms/configure-aem-...
In the past with regular PDF I use exportData service to pull the information out of the PDF. However this isn't a PDF and of course I'm running into an error.
What Service Operation in workbench would I use to take the data from the Adaptive form, then push that to Oracle database?
Thank you!
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There are multiple options to store PDF Form data in the database using different service operations - Form Data Integration or Handling data submitted from a form.
But if you are using Adaptive forms now, a JDBC data source can be used to directly store the data into the database- Storing Adaptive Form Submissions in Database
Hope this helps.
Some additional infos to what @Pulkit_Jain_ showed you:
If you want to submit directly to a JEE Workflow see this link:
The option is called "Submit to Forms Workflow"
You need to configure the connection to the JEE part, see here:
1. Submit the form to JEE workflow and you will get data in dataXml variable of workbench and then you can use JDBC component.
2. Use Form data model and submit form data to database, no jee required.
3. If you use HTML workspace, its simpler. Just work with variables and the start point will ingest submit data to input variable automatically.
-Mayank Gandhi
Hi apologies on the late reply as I was ill.
I've gotten to the point of seeing the form in workspace. I can submit outside of workspace and it goes into the database, however I can't get that to work inside workspace.
@kdenso01 What's the error you are getting? Share screenshot and log snippet
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