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Our form "Open project" button report javascript error "clientlibs.js:245 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'PROJECT_LISTING_PATH' of undefined", the undefined object is VanityPath


Level 4

We are using AEM 6.5.8 with forms add-on, for any simple form, when we add dictionary, the popup window said the project created by when we tried to click "open project", nothing returned.

And the browser console reported "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'PROJECT_LISTING_PATH' of undefined",

the code is:



and VanityPath is undefined.

What could be the reason?

4 Replies


Employee Advisor

@DavidZhang  Thanks for reporting this issue!

I am able to replicate the issue in-house with the latest build. Could you please raise a support ticket with related details and we will take up the discussion further with the Product Engineering. 




Level 4

Already opened: E-000374466.




Employee Advisor

@DavidZhang this may be an issue but you should be able to directly access the dict project from the project page.


Level 4

Yes, accessing from project page now as working around.