I have a form that was set up by someone no longer on our team. When doing a preview the following shows at the top of the form...
Where is this configured and how can I get rid of it? We are no longer going that direction within a workflow and would like to disable or remove it. And stop this error from popping up.
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Those kinds of worksflows are defined through special metadate in the PDF, so you would not find anything about this, when looking into the form in Designer.
Open the form in Acrobat and look into the metadata under the file properties or by typing this.metadata; into the JavaScript console.
You'll propably find entries under the namespace adhocwf. If you want get rid of it you need to delete the corresponding metadata entries. This can be done with an bit JavaScript in Acrobats action wizards.
var oDoc = this, oXML = new XML(oDoc.metadata), //Load current metadata into XML object //Declare namespaces used in metadata nsRdf = new Namespace("http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"), nsAdhocwf = new Namespace("http://ns.adobe.com/AcrobatAdhocWorkflow/1.0/"); //Delete unwanted metadata nodes from XML object delete oXML.nsRdf::RDF.nsRdf::Description.nsAdhocwf::version; delete oXML.nsRdf::RDF.nsRdf::Description.nsAdhocwf::allowAnonymous; delete oXML.nsRdf::RDF.nsRdf::Description.nsAdhocwf::dataSetLocId; delete oXML.nsRdf::RDF.nsRdf::Description.nsAdhocwf::dataSetName; delete oXML.nsRdf::RDF.nsRdf::Description.nsAdhocwf::destUrl; delete oXML.nsRdf::RDF.nsRdf::Description.nsAdhocwf::distributionMethod; delete oXML.nsRdf::RDF.nsRdf::Description.nsAdhocwf::initiator; delete oXML.nsRdf::RDF.nsRdf::Description.nsAdhocwf::state; delete oXML.nsRdf::RDF.nsRdf::Description.nsAdhocwf::submitButtonInfo; delete oXML.nsRdf::RDF.nsRdf::Description.nsAdhocwf::workflowId; delete oXML.nsRdf::RDF.nsRdf::Description.nsAdhocwf::workflowType; //Overwrite PDFs metadata with XML object (works only from batch, not console!!!) oDoc.metadata = oXML.toXMLString();
I am not getting that message
when do you get that message
you would need AEM Forms Designer to edit /modify the form
This toolbar with Submit button comes up when the XFA form is rendered into HTML.
this is what I get when I open the form....
I have found the purple line is defined from Adobe Distribute and Track Setup. However I seen no option to remove the Adobe Distribute and Track option.
I rendered it as HTML in AEM Form and do not see any error or the submit button
@ReluctantProgrammer looks like a custom link or doc URL that you might have in your application. So you need to check whether it's being picked from SharePoint in workflow or script and copy it to the local server. Can be in a variable, workflow step or script.
Those kinds of worksflows are defined through special metadate in the PDF, so you would not find anything about this, when looking into the form in Designer.
Open the form in Acrobat and look into the metadata under the file properties or by typing this.metadata; into the JavaScript console.
You'll propably find entries under the namespace adhocwf. If you want get rid of it you need to delete the corresponding metadata entries. This can be done with an bit JavaScript in Acrobats action wizards.
var oDoc = this, oXML = new XML(oDoc.metadata), //Load current metadata into XML object //Declare namespaces used in metadata nsRdf = new Namespace("http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"), nsAdhocwf = new Namespace("http://ns.adobe.com/AcrobatAdhocWorkflow/1.0/"); //Delete unwanted metadata nodes from XML object delete oXML.nsRdf::RDF.nsRdf::Description.nsAdhocwf::version; delete oXML.nsRdf::RDF.nsRdf::Description.nsAdhocwf::allowAnonymous; delete oXML.nsRdf::RDF.nsRdf::Description.nsAdhocwf::dataSetLocId; delete oXML.nsRdf::RDF.nsRdf::Description.nsAdhocwf::dataSetName; delete oXML.nsRdf::RDF.nsRdf::Description.nsAdhocwf::destUrl; delete oXML.nsRdf::RDF.nsRdf::Description.nsAdhocwf::distributionMethod; delete oXML.nsRdf::RDF.nsRdf::Description.nsAdhocwf::initiator; delete oXML.nsRdf::RDF.nsRdf::Description.nsAdhocwf::state; delete oXML.nsRdf::RDF.nsRdf::Description.nsAdhocwf::submitButtonInfo; delete oXML.nsRdf::RDF.nsRdf::Description.nsAdhocwf::workflowId; delete oXML.nsRdf::RDF.nsRdf::Description.nsAdhocwf::workflowType; //Overwrite PDFs metadata with XML object (works only from batch, not console!!!) oDoc.metadata = oXML.toXMLString();