I would like to convert PDF ile to PDF/A. I gonna use the DocConverterServiceClient. Regarding documentation https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/forms/developer-reference/programming-... I have to include some jar files to my project:
But I couldn't find them on Maven repository. Could somebody kindly explain where I can find them?
Solved! Go to Solution.
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Can you try with the below OSGi SDK (latest)?
This single SDK should suffice all the required dependencies; you might not need to import other libraries.
Client SDK is posted on maven central - https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/adobe/aemfd/aemfd-client-sdk/
You can find this set of jars on the maven repository[0], OR in case you're using JEE instance, these jars are present under [AEM Forms home]/sdk/clientlibs/common/*.
[0] - https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.adobe.livecycle/adobe-usermanager-client/10.0.0
When I try to add dependencies to my project I face the follow issue:
Unresolved dependency: 'com.adobe.livecycle:adobe-docconverter-client:jar:11.0.0'
Unresolved dependency: 'com.adobe.livecycle:adobe-usermanager-client:jar:11.0.0'
Unresolved dependency: 'com.adobe.livecycle:adobe-livecycle-client:jar:11.0.0'
If I try to download jar files from Maven repository directly:
Can you try with the below OSGi SDK (latest)?
This single SDK should suffice all the required dependencies; you might not need to import other libraries.
Client SDK is posted on maven central - https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/adobe/aemfd/aemfd-client-sdk/