I am using REST based FDM with one to many association. In FDM, swagger was able to set up one to many association. However, I am not sure how to do data binding in the Adaptive Forms.
Let says I have Entity called Person which has one-to-many association with another entity called Address. Lets assume that there 3 addresses (Permanent, Current and Office) per person.
I thought I can have 3 panels for each of the addresses. However, I am not able to set up the data binding.
Any suggestion how to set up data binding for one-to-many association in Adaptive Forms?
Thanks in advance.
[Reposting my question in the AEM Forms forum]
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@naan_raja If you have created an association then in the test fdm you should be seeing a person with objects of addresses, Let's first check if you have the data, and fetch correctly setup.
Send the screenshot of the FDM test UI and a copy of the response obj here
Please see below FDM. There is no prefill so only Write Service is enabled. Request and Response looks identical as the underlying service, persists and return same entity.
POST /employee
{ "Employee": { "name": "easit", "empId": 32, "addresses": [ { "doorNo": "voluptate culpa sed no", "streetName": "tempor sed fugiat", "city": "molli", "state": "amet exercitatio" }, { "doorNo": "consequ", "streetName": "culpa ex", "city": "pariatur", "state": "nisi cillum" }, { "doorNo": "fugiat", "streetName": "offici", "city": "irure aliqu", "state": "ut amet aliqua" }, { "doorNo": "conse", "streetName": "eiusmod commodo dolor", "city": "nulla", "state": "sint ex Ut" }, { "doorNo": "tempor", "streetName": "incididunt fugi", "city": "venia", "state": "aute irure dolor" } ] } }
{ "empId": 32, "addresses": [ { "streetName": "tempor sed fugiat", "city": "molli", "id": 8, "doorNo": "voluptate culpa sed no", "state": "amet exercitatio" }, { "streetName": "culpa ex", "city": "pariatur", "id": 9, "doorNo": "consequ", "state": "nisi cillum" }, { "streetName": "offici", "city": "irure aliqu", "id": 10, "doorNo": "fugiat", "state": "ut amet aliqua" }, { "streetName": "eiusmod commodo dolor", "city": "nulla", "id": 11, "doorNo": "conse", "state": "sint ex Ut" }, { "streetName": "incididunt fugi", "city": "venia", "id": 12, "doorNo": "tempor", "state": "aute irure dolor" } ], "name": "easit", "id": 3 }
How did you map currently?
try using the below with each panel
Already tried and it didn't work. No child associations were getting passed in REST API calls.