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How application lca file need to create for migration?


Level 2

I had tried to create archive lca file from aem forms 6.3 workbench. Lca file is created in my local file system. Can someone help me what are files exist/ file names inside the lca look like? Can i use this lca file to import and deploy under application in  administration console of aem forms 6.5? Can someone please guide. Below is the screenshot of files present inside th lca 


1 Akzeptierte Lösung


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as @Pulkit_Jain_ says you crete LCA from application level like this


You can even choose and pick individual elements (or leave them out)


To add a component you must create a Component Reference in your application.



When you create the LCA now the component reference is part of it:



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7 Antworten


Employee Advisor

what's is in your application? yes you can deploy te lca on your 6.5 environment. but for the lca to work we need to know what is in the lca?


Level 2

It has workflow process of my application and also it depends on one custom component jar.


When i tried to create lca from applications using workbench with below steps then it giving dsc invocation error connection refused.

Applications - > Application/1.0 - > right click - > create forms application archive


Then it tried to create from processes then it created lca as show attached to my question.

My doubt is

1. From where we need to create lca whether from application or processes view?

2.is there any way to export custom components jar? 


Korrekte Antwort von


as @Pulkit_Jain_ says you crete LCA from application level like this


You can even choose and pick individual elements (or leave them out)


To add a component you must create a Component Reference in your application.



When you create the LCA now the component reference is part of it:




Level 2

Hi @Kosta_Prokopiu1 @Pulkit_Jain_, i have tried to create lca as mentioned in above steps. But i am getting invocation error for all application including testapp. 


can you please advise where i am doing wrong If it is known issue


Employee Advisor


We need the complete stack to investigate the issue as it seems that the connection to the CRX side is refused but as a priliminary check, please review:

1. If the Livecycle client SDK is configured correctly (under /lc/system/console/configMgr) with the server url and password (in case of any changes in default).


2. Check if correct hostname and port are configured under following configurations :-.
2.1. -Dcom.adobe.livecycle.crx.integration.url

2.2. ContentRepositoryConnector under adminui services (Also, please check crx user/password under this service).

2.3. CRX Integration service adminui services


Once updated/changed, please try again.



@Saikumar1 , @Pulkit_Jain_ gave you a good list of things to check. To give us the error use the Copy to Clipboard button and then post the message here.

See also AEM LiveCycle Connector (adobe.com)

Do you use SSL (https in url)?


Employee Advisor

@Saikumar1 I will respond to the open questions:

1. You can create the LCA from the application view but you can include different processes/applications in the same LCA. I don't think its possible from the processes view.

2. If the custom component jar is part of the application then that can be included in the archive as well.


Hope this helps!