Hi All,
Recently we have upgraded to Service pack 14 on AEM forms JEE, and after upgrading to SP14, almost all our services are working as expected except the email service.
on AdminUI, what we have observed that Foundation Email service is missing the configuration tab and we are not able to start/stop the service.
we have observed the below logs while trying to manually start the service :
Jar file : com.adobe.livecycle.procmgmt.userlistlo_9.0.0.v2009009-0231.jar does not exist in component : com.adobe.livecycle.Email.
0000009bf ServiceStore E COULD NOT PROCESS SERVICE : EMAIL SERVICE VERSION 1.0 MARKING AS INACTIVE. The Exception is : org.json.simple.parser.ParseException caused by java.lang.ClassnameNotFoundException : Class name from org.json.simple.parser.ParseException from package org.json.simple.parser not found
LocalException E CNTR0020E : EJB threw an unexpected (non-declared) exception during invocation of method "doBMT" on bean "beanID(AdobeExperienceManagerforms#adobe-dscf.jar#EjbTransactionBMTAdapter, null)". Exception data : java.lang.IllegalStateException : Service : EmailService Version 1.0 must be in a stop state prior to starting.
If there is a certain JAR missing as suggested by first line error line. where can we verify it for sure?
Solved! Go to Solution.
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This known issue is now fixed with the latest version of the product, and you can follow the below-mentioned steps to mitigate the issue on the current version:
Please reach out to support in case of any further issues.
Hope this helps!
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This known issue is now fixed with the latest version of the product, and you can follow the below-mentioned steps to mitigate the issue on the current version:
Please reach out to support in case of any further issues.
Hope this helps!
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Hi @Pulkit_Jain_ ,
Thank you for the providing the resolution on this issue.
I followed the same steps to add the classes in the manifest.mf file of Adobe\Adobe_Experience_Manager_Forms\configurationManager\export\adobe-livecycle-websphere.ear\adobe-dscf.jar\
and deployed the adobe-livecycle-websphere.ear EAR again.
It worked as a charm!!
Always a great & prompt response from the community!
Just out of curiosity, is the steps provided in here [0]
corresponds to the same issue and resolution under the hood?
The change provided with this document is somewhat related to the actual issue, but in addition to that, this issue is specifically related to a recent change w.r.t OAuth, and certain jars were newly added.
The jars were there but were not picked by the Websphere classpath.
@Pulkit_Jain_ ,
Thank you for the additional information provided.
As per the above solution provided, My Email settings are working fine but I am unable to send email with attachments.
Therefore, Can you please confirm below :
(1).Since you mentioned this issues has been resolved in latest version of the product, will upgrading to the latest version say, SP15 resolve both the issue?
(2). As per the resolution provided in here, https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/forms/troubleshooting/additional-steps...
step 9, appending the following properties to Sling.properties ,
Stop JBoss from the Services Console and append the following properties to Sling.properties file:
org.osgi.framework.system.packages.extra=javax.activation; version\=1.2.0
I am unable to modify Sling.properties as this rewrites each time server is restarted. Is this also a known issue?
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Updating over the issue!
Problem : Unable to get Email with Attachments for AEM Forms on JEE Platforms after following https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/forms/troubleshooting/additional-steps...
Fix : Worked on standalone WebSphere 9, if Skipped Step 9.
sling.properties file need not be modified.
Thanks a lot!
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