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Designer crashing frequently while working with large xdp >10MB


Level 2

Env. AEM Form 6.5 SP-12 On Prem, Document Manager version, AEM forms designer

Hi team,

How large we can design xdp with all custom table structures?

I have designed an XDP which is the size of over 10MB (400+ custom small, large tables using cell level sub-forms and good amount of java script written to handle tables.)

The problem we are facing when I tried to compensate any changes (adding a cell (or) cell level data (or) any kind of data manipulations) it is crashing frequently.

How can I resolve this authoring issue in designer.

Using that xdp and output service by supplying xml want to generate the flat pdf.

Please help me with your suggestions to rectify this.




6 Replies


Community Advisor

10 mb is huge size for xdp, even over 10mb LCA file create issue while deployment.

Is it only the number of tables contributing to size or you are also using images in xdp. 


Level 2

Thanks for your responce @Vijay_Katoch .


I have designed only tables in xdp.(over 400+ tables)

No images are part of it.




Community Advisor

Need to check the form, see if you can convert some tables to subforms with fields like table structure, if that reduce size.


Employee Advisor


We have had multiple reports of such issues, and most of the time, customers were able to mitigate this issue by redesigning the form.

Quick question- are you seeing this issue when the form is rendered with Acrobat?

You can also check the FormDesigner.exe.dmp dump under %temp% (e.gC:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\Temp) directory for more insights.



Level 2

thanks for your response @Pulkit_Jain_ 

yes, i am unable to see even preview.

When try to open in preview mode also it is crashing.

Only using java output service i am able to generate pdf and able to view the preview.


please suggest any oter solutions other than designing hole form.




Employee Advisor


Please share the form for a quick review.