Hello,I created a adaptive form that submits data to a php script with a Submit to URL link.And in the post submit event of this button i click another invisible button liek this:xfa.resolveNode("Countries.#pageSet.Page2.Invisible.Subform2.Button1").execEvent("click"); that also holds a script to up...
Hi all, I have some .pdf documents I need to send to court but they won't merge because they are password-protected. Any ideas how I can go about it? thank you
Hi, I have a requirement to render a XDP as HTML, have user fill in the data and then have a button on the HTML that says "Download PDF" when clicked, this should download a PDF rendering of the XDP with data prefilled (same data entered in the HTML form). Any ideas on how i can go about implementin...
Hi Team,I have created process design that generate the pdf. The process design has 4 services1- SetValue(execute)2-ApplicationUtility(readApplicationAsset)3-FormService(renderPDFForm)4-OutputService(transformPDF)When I am calling REST API (ex:) then the response Entity returning the url location wh...
Hi,How are bundle numbers created?I have two instances of AEM 6.5 installed in two machines. A bundle (say 450) is present in instance A but not in instance B. One suggestion is to get a copy of the missing bundle from A and install it in B. The instance B already has a different bundle with the sam...
Hi ,I have created custom service that convert json to xml. I used the below API to convert json to xml string, Its giving proper result in my eclipse but when I created the component and trying to start the service its giving error "Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: jakarta/xml/bind/JAXBEx...
Attaching screenshot for reference. Repro stepsAfter deploying custom code on an instance, the instance restarts and a nullpointer exception occurs at "java.lang.NullPointerException: null at com.day.cq.replication.impl.ReplicatorImpl.getReplicationStatus(ReplicatorImpl.java:288) [com.day.cq.cq-rep...
Hi,I have a dropdown with options in the form of: key=value:1=Option 12=Option 2... When I create a document of record, only the keys are visible, like: 1,2,3... I need to change that so in the DoR only the selected values are visible. Is there an API for that I can use? Or what can I do?
I have this pdf form (attached) that has hidden subforms that appear when certain boxes are checked. I'm having issues with my Section C. subforms. I have add/remove row buttons, plus buttons that allow the user to rearrange the data within. As long as the subform is set to Visible, the add/remove b...